
Monday 17 November 2014

Findlay in pledge to campaign against Trident

NEIL Findlay has promised to put Scottish Labour at the heart of the campaign against renewing Britain’s nuclear deterrent if he wins the party leadership next month.

Peter A Bell's insight:

Neil Findlay is either seriously confused or just as instinctively dishonest as any other British Labour politician. Here we have him reportedly boasting that he will lead the fight to change British Labour’s policy of supporting profligate expenditure on obscene weapons of mass destruction. But only a matter of hours ago he claimed that British Labour policy already was to oppose the renewal of Trident.

He would doubtless point out that he was referring to British Labour in Scotland. But British Labour in Scotland cannot have a different policy from the rest of British Labour for the simple reason that British Labour in Scotland IS NOT A SEPARATE PARTY!

When it comes to changing party policy, the leaderkin of deceptively named “Scottish Labour” has no more influence than any of the party’s diminishing band of card-carrying members. The plain truth of the matter is that, supposing he were to become “leader”, Neil Findlay would be obliged to do exactly as he was told by his bosses in London.

Johann Lamont was, perhaps mercifully, prohibited from speaking about Trident by Ed Miliband. Neil Findlay will be in exactly the same position. And, let us not forget, Jim Murphy would be no different. The role of “Scottish Labour leader” is a title without authority.

Was Neil Findlay lying when he asserted that opposing the renewal of Trident is British labour policy? Of course he was! Unless he relies on the equally dishonest claim that there is a Scottish Labour Party with the capacity to make policy.

Is he lying when he says he will campaign against Trident? Of course he is! Unless he is so deluded as to imagine he will be permitted to go against the party leadership in London.

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